Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Moon is moving away from Earth

Michael Sohn/AP

If you thought that the Moon revolved around the Earth without altering its trajectory and that it would continue to do so for the next millennia, today you will learn that this is actually not true. Our natural satellite is gradually moving away from the planet and we have been able to see this since 1969, when NASA installed reflective panels on the lunar surface during the Apollo missions. Since then, laser beams have been launched from Earth, which have made it possible to determine precisely the annual rate at which the Moon is moving away from us.

"The moon's retreat from our planet is imperceptible to the human eye."

The first scientist to notice this peculiarity was Edmond Halley almost 300 years ago, who, after studying the records of ancient eclipses, was able to reach this conclusion. This receding is thought to be due to tidal friction in the oceans, which influences the Earth's rotational speed: by slowing it down, the resulting loss of angular momentum is compensated for in the acceleration of the Moon, causing it to move further and further away.

It has now been shown that the Moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of about 3.8 cm per year. Researchers at the University of Utrecht and the University of Geneva have implemented various methods to determine the Moon's past. The Moon's retreat has been studied several times: in addition to the various theories, there are some new developments. The recent signals were found in ancient rock layers on Earth.

In Western Australia, scientists have found geological evidence 2.5 billion years old. In the sediment layers of Karijini National Park, once deposited on the ocean floor and now found in the Earth's crust, regular intervals of rocks of different thicknesses and shades are identified. These variations in rock patterns may be related to "Milankovitch cycles".

In addition to affecting the Earth's climate over long periods of time, the Milankovitch cycles influence the Moon's distancing, specifically through the climate precession cycle. The Earth's precessional motion, or change of orientation of the Earth's spin axis, has been altered over time. It currently has a 21,000-year cycle, but this period would have been shorter in the past when the Moon was closer to the Earth, the study details.

Firstly, as the Earth's rotational speed decreases, days on Earth will become longer and longer. For another, winters will be much colder and summers much hotter. And due to the reduced gravitational influence of the Moon on the planet, tides would no longer be as strong. Even so, they will still exist, albeit slightly, due to the effect of the Sun.

One thing is certain: we need not worry about its absence, because it will never escape the pull of the Earth. At a certain point, the Moon and the Earth will reach an equilibrium and the Moon will stop moving away.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

L’activité sismique se poursuit, la mer s’éloigne fortement : le signe d'un séisme majeur en Méditerranée ?

Dans la nuit du 21 février 2023, un nouveau tremblement de terre d’une magnitude allant jusqu’à 6,5 M s’est produit à la frontière entre la Turquie et la Syrie, le phénomène de «foudre sismique» étant accompagné de puissants grondements de terre.

La durée du tremblement de terre n’a pas dépassé 8 secondes à Lattaquié et il n’y a donc pas eu de dégâts importants, bien qu’il ait été plus fort que le premier tremblement de terre.

La foudre qui apparaît pendant les tremblements de terre, ou peu de temps avant, n’est pas un événement aléatoire et est directement liée à la secousse, selon des recherches scientifiques récentes. Ce sont les soi-disant «lumières sismiques» qui montrent les parties de la terre qui s’éloignent les unes des autres.

Comme le rapportent des chercheurs de l’université Rutgers, ces éclairs proviennent de l’accumulation de charges électriques au sol, autour des failles.

Ceci dit, des messages beaucoup plus effrayants arrivent maintenant des réseaux sociaux du Liban, d’Israël ainsi que de la Tunisie.

Comme l’écrivent les résidents locaux, samedi dernier, le 19 février, la ligne de mer s’est éloignée de la côte et s’est maintenant éloignée de 20 mètres dans les zones à haute côte, et est allée tous les deux cents mètres dans les zones d’eau peu profonde.

Les pêcheurs locaux ont été les premiers à tirer la sonnette d’alarme, en commençant à partager des photos de la côte sur les réseaux sociaux .

Le déplacement du littoral est un signe traditionnel de l’approche d’un tremblement de terre majeur.

Parfois, l’eau est emportée du rivage par le vent, parfois des déformations lointaines du fond se produisent et le relâchement des contraintes ne se produit pas. Mais maintenant, après que la mer est partie et que M6.5 est arrivé, on ne peut même plus parler de vents et de marées.

Cependant, M 6,5 est un événement sismique trop petit pour un mouvement aussi puissant du bord de la mer. Très probablement, M6.5 n’est qu’un présage et bientôt il y aura un tremblement de terre d’une force beaucoup plus grande. Alors, la question se pose : où?

Après le tremblement de terre du 6 février, un essaim dense a commencé avec des signes de migration vers le sud. Et maintenant, l’épicentre est également beaucoup plus au sud qu’il ne l’était le 6 février. Par conséquent, si quelque chose d’important se produit, cela pourrait être quelque part dans la zone de la faille de Damas.

En théorie, la mer aurait dû reculer partout et toute la région est désormais sous la menace d’un séisme voire d’un tsunami.

Une suite plus dramatique à venir?

Le chercheur néerlandais Frank Hoogerbeets, qui a prédit le tremblement de terre à Antioche, a averti le 19 février qu’une activité sismique plus intense (en grappes) pourrait se produire du 20 au 22 février environ, avec un pic possible vers le 22.

Si cela continue ainsi, nous pourrions voir une séquence eschatologique d’événements du film ‘2012’, lorsque des villes entières tombent dans les failles et que des morceaux de la croûte terrestre rampent hors du manteau comme des banquises.

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Monday, February 20, 2023

شجار بين معتمرين جزائريين ينتهي بجريمة قتل في البقاع المقدسة بالسعودية

Photo AFP

 أقدم معتمر جزائري، اليوم الإثنين، على قتل اثنين من مواطنيه داخل مقر إقامتهما في البقاع المقدسة بالسعودية وذلك على خلفية شجار وقع بين المعتمرين الثلاث بفندق سيريجي بمكة المكرمة والذي انتهى بجريمة قتل

ليتم توقيف الجاني داخل الحرم من طرف مصالح الأمن السعودية، فيما امتنع ديوان الحج والعمرة عن تأكيد أو تفنيد لهذا الخبر لحد الآن

Source :

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Scientists Believe They Have Just Discovered A Parallel Universe


Scientists believe they may have caught a glimpse of a parallel universe bumping up against ours.

They've seen hints in signals from the most distant points of the universe that suggest the fabric of our universe has been disrupted by another incredibly different universe. Their analysis may be the proof for the multiverse theory.

According to researchers: "Dr Ranga-Ram Chary examined the noise and residual signals in the cosmic microwave background left over from the Big Bang (pictured) and found a number of scattered bright spots which he believes may be signals of another universe bumping into our own billions of years ago."

At least that's the tentative conclusion researchers have come to. According to some cosmological theories, collisions of alternative universes should be possible. Theories conclude that our universe is like a bubble among many.

Once a universe begins in a big bang type setting, it never stops expanding. That goes for all the universes. So it makes sense they'd periodically bump into one another.

They're all likely in a row, say researchers, vibrating, bouncing around, and rubbing up on each other.

Dr. Chary believes that the signal he's received indicate that this other universe is extremely different from our own.

He says it could have a ratio of subatomic particles called photos and baryons that are about 10 fold greater than in our universe.

Dr. Chary explains, “The fine tuning of parameters in the early universe required to reproduce our present day universe suggests that our universe may simply be a region within an eternally inflating super-region.

Many other regions beyond our observable universe would exist with each such region governed by a different set of physical parameters than the ones we have measured for our universe."

More research will need to be done, but this could be the beginning of some very interesting discoveries.

Source :

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Death toll from earthquake in Turkey rises to over 40,000 as search and rescue operations continue

The head of the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), Yunus Celik, announced that the death toll from the earthquake in the south of the country has risen to 40,642.

Celik made the statement from AFAD's coordination center in the capital Ankara on Saturday.

He explained that search and rescue operations will largely come to an end by Sunday evening.

He added, "Efforts to search and rescue may continue in a few buildings."

He also noted that 5,700 aftershocks have occurred following the dual earthquake that struck the province of Kahrman Maras on February 6.

Celik said that cash aid of 10,000 Turkish lira ($531) has been given to more than 682,000 citizens, and that cash assistance will continue to be provided to citizens.

Meanwhile, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that the number of people receiving treatment in hospitals in the ten affected provinces has reached 6,108.

In a statement from AFAD's coordination center in Hatay province, Koca said that the total number of people receiving healthcare in all provinces has reached 21,859.

He also pointed out that 13,612 people have completed treatment.

United Nations allocates $250 million for crises like famine risk in Africa

 UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Saturday that the organization will spend $250 million from the emergency fund to address "forgotten crises" around the world, including helping communities facing the risk of famine in Africa.

During a press conference on the sidelines of the annual African Union summit in Ethiopia, he added: "The largest allocation ever from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund has been announced."

Monday, February 13, 2023

Treasure Hunter Discovers Mysterious Underwater Structure in the Atlantic Ocean

image crédit : Google Earth

A treasure hunter from the Discovery Channel claimed that he discovered a potential extraterrestrial structure at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean near Florida's coast. Darrell Miklos, the host of the show "Cooper's Treasure," was searching for an English shipwreck when he came across the discovery 300 feet below the Bermuda Triangle.

Miklos used maps created by his late friend, NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper, to search for treasure in the Caribbean Sea. Cooper was a firm believer in extraterrestrial life and had claimed to have seen UFOs during his time in the Air Force. Miklos says that Cooper passed on an alleged treasure map to him before his death in 2004.

The object Miklos discovered is referred to as a USO, or an Unidentified Submerged Object. It features 15, 300-foot-long arms extending from a central object, covered in coral that scientists believe could be thousands of years old. They also stated that the coral couldn't have grown in that formation naturally.

Miklos and the production company behind "Cooper's Treasure," AMPLE Entertainment, hope to investigate further and gain funding for a third season of the show. The founder of AMPLE, Ari Mark, stated that they want to uncover the truth behind Miklos' discovery and determine if it supports Cooper's belief in extraterrestrial life.

Although Miklos was surprised by the discovery, he wants to investigate further before making any conclusions. For now, he isn't saying it was aliens, but the possibility remains open.

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