Thursday, January 22, 2015

Scandale: Selon Afrique media, L'ONU fournit Boko Haram en armes. Un container intercepté par l'armée camerounaise

Un container frappé du sceau des nations unies saisi au Nord du Cameroun transportant des armes et matériels militaires en direction de Boko Haram", selon Afrique Media TV.

Selon la chaîne panafricaine Afrique media TV dans son émission le Débat Panafricain du 18.01.2015, "un container frappé du sceau des nations unies a été saisi au Nord du Cameroun". Ce colis diplomatique de l'ONU "transportait des armes et matériels militaires en direction de Boko Haram" selon Afrique media TV.
Toujours selon notre confrère, la pot aux roses a été découvert lorsque l'armée camerounaise a décidé d'ouvrir le container estampillé "colis diplomatique".

Le pays de Paul Biya est ainsi devenu le seul pays au monde à avoir ouvert un tel coli diplomatique.
Avec ce nouveau scandale de livraison d'armes à Boko Haram au Cameroun, le rôle de l'ONU en Afrique est de plus en plus décrié.

Des pays comme la Côte d'Ivoire, la République démocratique du Congo, le Rwanda pour ne citer que ceux-là, ont eu à experimenter le double jeu de l'ONU lors du règlement de leurs conflits.
L'armée camerounaise, mise au parfum des agissements troubles de l'ONU en Afrique, a bien été renseignée d'ouvrir le container diplomatique de l'ONU et de découvrir ainsi les armes à destination de la secte islamique Boko Haram, laquelle a déjà fait des milliers de victimes au Nigeria et au Nord du Cameroun.
Nous y reviendrons.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rothschild Email: “Mossad Were Behind The Paris Attacks"

A leaked email from Madame Rothschild in which she says that the Paris Attacks at Charlie Hebdo were “a Mossad operation”.

The email was sent to an editor of a website called on Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 5:56 AM.

“Muslims had nothing to do with the Paris Attacks” – it is claimed. The email below is the exact copy sent allegedly from Madame Rotchschild to Lasha Darkmoon of

"Dear Lasha,

I won’t write to the Comments section of your website, as you suggest, because I cannot help feeling that it is juvenile to do so. But this I will say most emphatically, based on my private sources, for as you know, I am a resident of France and have many friends in high places in Paris and elsewhere: not only do I believe that the Paris circus was not done by the Muslims, I actually know for a certainty that it was not.

Muslims had nothing—I repeat, nothing—whatever to do with the carnage that took place in Paris last week.

A few young ladies whom I know and who are active in the Palestinian movement—with your own countryman, George Galloway, I believe—explained everything to me two days ago. This whole event was organized in Brussels. Even Ahmed Merabet, the first French policeman purportedly shot dead, is actually not a Muslim at all: his real name is Avigdor, and his brother’s name is Maloch, recently changed to Melek—all of them crypto-Jews in the service of Israeli intelligence, i.e., Mossad agents.

Avigdor is in Buenos Aires right now, and will remain there for six years, a standard operating procedure with those deep in Israeli psyops. After this he will resurface with a new identity, by which time of course the populace will have forgotten all about the Paris attacks.

Remember Gladio? Well, if you don’t, you don’t have to—as you are living through it right now.

Lasha, I am well known for being able to chatter on endlessly and to write even at greater length, so this is all for now. I will write you an email sometimes in March when I return to France and the UK from Sydney. Hopefully, there will be no more pussyfooting around, and we can sit down and enjoy a glass of wine together, as befits two queens: one a drama queen (me), the other a mystery queen (you). :)
That’s all, dear. Bye for now and keep well. I’ve missed you.

Ellie K

P.S. Regarding the Paris farce. I forgot to mention the amount such players get paid. It is 666,000 euros or dollars, depending on the country the event is staged in. The amount may seem random and insignificant to you, but once you know how important numerology and signs are to the Kabalistic Jews, things begin to make sense.

Moreover, the number SIX features again, you will notice, as that is the number of years during which the commandos carrying out the operation are not allowed to resurface. They have to lie low for six years, living lives of impeccable respectability under their newly invented personas. When they finally emerge into the full light of day, it is never in the country where they performed their original theatrics.

Thus Avigdor, the ”hero” of the Paris op, and all the rest of his accomplices in crime, will start a new life elsewhere: with a new identity, new papers, a new passport—even a nice new house provided. Everything else will be given to these operatives to enable them to make a fresh start in life, including a wife or partner who is also an undercover agent. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is left to chance."

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E-Cigs Have 10x More Cancer Causing Ingredients Than Regular Cigarettes

Japanese scientists announced that e-cigarettes contain 10 times the level of cancer-causing carcinogens than its counterpart in the tobacco world. At one time, e-cigarettes were touted as the answer to smoking without the complication of so many dangers.

The electronic nicotine products have increased in popularity with many believing that they are receiving a hit of nicotine without the health damage of a normal cigarette, laden with chemicals.

However, the research commissioned by the Japanese Ministry of Health found formaldehyde and acetaldehyde carcinogens in the liquid produced by a number of e-cigarette products, a health ministry official stated.

The group also learned that e-cigarettes can fuel potentially  life-threatening drug-resistant pathogens. This is based on lab study where they tested e-cigs vapor on live methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and human cells.

The formaldehyde carcinogen was found to be much more present in the e-cigarette liquids than in the chemicals used in regular cigarettes, according to the official.

“In one brand of e-cigarette the team found more than 10 times the level of carcinogens contained in one regular cigarette,” said researcher Naoki Kunugita.

“Especially when the wire (which vaporizes the liquid) gets overheated, higher amounts of those harmful substances seemed to be produced.”

However, Kunugita added that the levels of the formaldehyde carcinogen fluctuated in the final results.

“You call them e-cigarettes, but they are products totally different from regular tobacco,” the Japanese health ministry official said.

“The government is now studying the possible risks associated with them, with view to looking at how they should be regulated.”

Earlier this year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) urged governments to ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors because of the “serious threat” posed to them.

The UN health agency said that despite the lack of evidence on the damage caused by e-cigarettes, there was enough “to caution children and adolescents, pregnant women, and women of reproductive age” about their use, adding that they should be outlawed from indoor public spaces.

According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “More than a quarter of a million youth who had never smoked a cigarette used electronic cigarettes in 2013, according to a CDC study published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research. This number reflects a three-fold increase, from about 79,000 in 2011, to more than 263,000 in 2013.”


Thursday, January 8, 2015

False Flag Charlie Hebdo ? L'un des tueurs avait de "très beaux yeux bleus" selon un témoin !

Caroline Fourest, en journaliste d’investigation éclairée, vient témoigner des propos qui lui ont été rapportés par une contributrice de Charlie Hebdo. Selon ses dires, l’un des tueurs aurait de « très beaux yeux bleus ». Lapsus ?

Elle se reprend d’ailleurs très vite, consciente d’avoir vendu une information trop importante ou simplement réalisant qu’elle invente ?

En effet, s’il est avéré qu’un des hommes avait de « très beaux yeux bleus », cela pourrait complexifier l’enquête, sachant que cette couleur d’iris n’est pas courante chez nos amis qui frisottent.


On pari que tout comme l'affaire Merah, les deux terroristes présumés seront exécutés ..

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